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'rx5808_etheli_diversity' Firmware
for RX5808 Diversity Modules
This "etheli" version of the open-source firmware for RX5808
Diversity modules (that plug into Fatshark Dominator goggles) is an
enhancement to the RX5808 Diversity RealAcc Compatible firmware.
The main improvement is the addition of a BY-MHZ MODE that allows an
arbitrary frequency in MHz to be directly dialed in and tuned.
Other enhancements and improvements are implemented; see the list below.
See here for the hex file for the firmware update, and below for instructions on updating.
- Implemented BY-MHZ MODE (with favorites support)
- Renamed 'C' and 'D' band names to 'R' and 'L'
- Added version code (shown on main-menu screen title)
- Improved calibration tolerance for modules with
lower-than-usual RSSI values
- Improved auto/seek mode
- Modified band scan to show best channel after each sweep
- Increased MIN_TUNE_TIME from 25 to 35 ms
- Moved 'Diversity' item to second menu page
- Various functional and UI-navigation improvements and fixes
- Includes "Find Model" function (implemented by GC9N)
The firmware is compatible with these modules:
Realacc RX5808 Pro Open Source 5.8G 48CH Integrated
Diversity Receiver w/ OLED for Fatshark Dominator Goggles
Realacc RX5808 Pro Diversity Open Source 5.8G 40CH
48CH Split Receiver with OLED
Realacc RX5808 PRO PLUS Open Source 5.8G 48CH
Diversity Receiver For Fatshark Dominator Goggles
The module may be updated to use this firmware using the XLoader utility
and the firmware hex file, found here.
Run Xloader and select:
Hex file: The downloaded "rx5808_etheli_diversity" hex file
Device: Duemilanove/Nano(ATmega328)
COM port: The serial port for the module or FTDI device
Baud rate: 57600
The Realacc RX5808 PRO PLUS module has a USB port and can connected directly to a PC for updates.
To update the older RX5808 modules, a 5-volt FTDI adapter
is required. During the update, the RX5808 module needs to be
unplugged from the Fatshark goggles, and the six pins of the FTDI
adapter need to be connected to the pads on the RX5808 module, as shown
in the picture below. A bit of gentle pressure should be applied
during the update to keep the pins in good contact with the pads.

The RX5808 module can also be updated using the firmware source code and the Arduino IDE or Eclipse (with the "Eclipse C++ IDE for Arduino" plugin). The firmware source code may be found here as a zip or here on GitHub.
A large rcgroups thread about the RX5808 Diversity modules and firmware may be found here.
To tune an arbitrary frequency in MHz, select the BY-MHZ MODE option in
the menu and then move the select wheel up and down to adjust the
frequency value. A long-press on the select wheel will save the
current frequency as a favorite.
Select the FAVORITES option in the menu to navigate through the saved
frequencies, and a long-press on the select wheel in this mode will
delete the currently-displayed favorite frequency.
Source code changes:
- Changed main file from "rx5808_etheli_diversity.ino" to
- Added forward declarations
- Added local "Adafruit_SSD1306" files with 'etheli' startup
- Changed Adafruit includes from <> to ""
- Split module-related functionality out to Rx5808Fns.cpp (at
least somewhat)
- Added USE_GC9N_OSD define (defaulting to OSD support
- Project can be build with Arduino IDE or Eclipse (with
"Eclipse C++ IDE for Arduino" plugin)
Acknowledgments: This code is an enhancement of the open-source code posted by Shea Ivey and GC9N, and it would not exist without their hard work.
Related pages on this site:
Betaflight Modification for 'vtx_' Settings and SetFreqByMHzMsp Support
ArduVidRx: Arduino-modified FPV video receiver + Android controller app
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